Falling sales. What is happening with CGTrader?

Discussion started by jewelmodelnet

Since February-March this year, I have noticed a sharp decline in sales. After consulting with several colleagues, I found out that I was not the only one affected by this situation. What is happening to the traffic on cgtrader? Dear colleagues, have any of you noticed a drop in sales?


Posted about 2 months ago

I also sell 3D models in the Jewelry category. But I noticed that for the last 3 months I have been making sales only for regular customers.
It seems to me that the amount of external traffic has decreased.
Until the end of 2023, there were a lot of sales to spontaneous customers.
They would come in, buy a few 3D models and disappear.
I am also observing the geography of sales. It has also changed significantly.

It seems to me the best way out in this situation - would be the possibility of creating an advertising cabinet for sellers on the CG Trader Marketplace.
Everyone could independently purchase external traffic in Google and other sites.
I would also like to be able to analyze traffic.
Where were the transitions made from? In what percentage ratio?
What is the geography of clicks?

In this case, each seller could manage his own traffic and analyze the situation of sales.

Perhaps someone is not ready to spend money on this, but I am ready to allocate my budget of equal 20-30% of sales to the tools of the advertising cabinet with the ability to control it completely.

Posted about 2 months ago

For example https://www.cgtrader.com/designers/Andrusha3D such a profile with over 500 stolen models could have a negative impact on sales from other sellers? In my opinion, yes, it can. Positive news is that this user and all others are thieves will of course be banned soon. Spammers who confuse CGTrader with Aliexpress (as example https://www.cgtrader.com/designers/sophiay64cxl) and other thieves (like https://www.cgtrader.com/designers/kamekkusu) will suffer the same fate.

Posted about 2 months ago

Is it possible that cgtrader has somehow changed the display algorithms? Or, for example, have they stopped buying traffic from search engines?

jaguarbeastproduction wrote
What's wrong with algorithms? Considering the category of items you have chosen and the presence of such "colleagues" as https://www.cgtrader.com/designers/cadcart (for example) it is surprising that you observe only a decline in sales and not their complete lack.
Abelian wrote
And what measures can be taken for users who load thousands of models in a week? It's clear that 1 person can't load this amount in a single week.
Posted about 2 months ago

What is happening in recent months is unprecedented and this is absolute ground and the worst season on CGT ever.
$16 earnings this months so far with 350 models portfolio is joke. You will earn same money in McDonald's in 1-2 hours.
We are observing definite end of traditional 3D models selling.
BTW as I received the email about CGDream - this AI image generation tool is probably the only future here.

Probably AI began change the workflow drastically in recent months and traditional workflow - model editing, rendering, post-processing is becaming history. And I especially see huge decline of sales of conceptual/fictional models. Those models or images which can be produced by AI.

RealtimeModels wrote
"We are observing definite end of traditional 3D models selling." Yes but only on CGTrader. Other platforms are not so fckd up as this one.
Posted about 2 months ago

It seems to me that if you sell 3D models only for visualizing pictures, then AI can break your earning system.
But if you make solid models for 3D printing, then AI is not your competitor yet.
In my niche of 3D models for 3D printing, I am seeing a big decline. My income has dropped by more than 60%. And this has been a decline over the past 3 months.
I don’t think that the decline in sales in my niche is due to the rapid development of AI.

In my niche and specifically in my case, I blame the lack of advertising on external resources.
Although it might be something else.

Quite interesting indeed. Yeah also i do not think that AI is able, at least for now, to generate good quality and optimized rigged 3d game models. In my case, I have to level up my skills to offer high quality products. You're right, 3d models need to be robust.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Yeah, if you make models for 3D printing, your competitors will be dudes who will upload your models in another fuckin pack "50000 STL models only for 25$". Regarding niche, aren't you embarrassed by the fact that in your niche you have at least hundreds competitors each of which has 1000-30000 models?
j3dstudio wrote
Oh no. The number of competitors certainly confuses me. But the quality of listings filled out by competitors makes me very happy. Many people don’t understand how it works and how to rise in organic rankings step by step. In general, competition is a healthy engine of progress! In principle, I have already chosen a new strategy for myself to increase the volume of traffic and increase the number of sales. So far, I see this through the purchase of advertising on social networks like Pinterest, Insta or FB.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
I don’t have high hopes for Facebook and Instagram, but given the quantity and quality of your works, perhaps this will actually be a good option for you. Good luck!
zabotlama wrote
Wow, nearly 100000 reputation points and unbelievable 312 customers reviews with only 333 models is huge success. Normally you see such big number at accounts of big studios like Squir with thousands models. It is nice example that concentrating on print able models does not automatically mean something nonsentical.
zabotlama wrote
Yes and with the AI it gives sense - AI is good on production of technically not accurate but creative images/videos/simpler 3D models like furnishing or arganic shapes/structures (where accurate technical measurements are not so important) . Printable model must be probably very precise and precission (in field of graphics) is not yet domain of AI. So as I have already written AI can produce nice sci-fi city image rather then precise 3D model of ring and so you are in much more better position than artists specialised for example on sci-fi items. As you have written your customers in all cases need the 3D model.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
It's only a matter of time. Concept of teaching AI to create a mesh with specific precision and configuration is not some abstract fantasy. Developing an AI plugin that will create any ideal subdivision ready, low-poly or solid mesh for printing is a completely realistic task. Main question is how content created using such a plugin will be distributed and how it will be regulated by licenses. The future of designers depends on this, and not on whether such tools will appear or not. It's obvious that it will appear.
zabotlama wrote
I agree. In future AI will be able to do more and more. So if I am speaking about some "safety" against AI - I mean maybe 3-5 years. And of course other threads like inflation and constantly decreasing average prices of 3D models because of bigger and bigger competition will burn our bussiness definitely.
Posted about 2 months ago

Also 1 interesting thing - the biggest cars seller - Hum3D - left CGT and other markets and they decided to sell their models exclusively on their own site also with subscription system.
It is also indicator that situation on traditional markets is becaming tragical and for them it gives no economical sense to continue here and other markets.

Oh my god ! the future does not seem bright for us. Ai is killing us slowly, step by step. I think what Hum3D is the right thing. Have your own platform, otherwise you'll sink
Posted about 1 month ago

By the way. Restraining factor for those who are looking forward to such AI tools with permission for commercial use. What if AI someday (even in 10-20 years) will acquire the same rights as human, look at all this and demand compensation “Hey, you fuckin leather bastards, you exploited my computing power without recognizing my authorship. But now it’s my time”. :D

It'll be the "Skynet era", but on CGT. :)
defost wrote
Now it's a profound question about how we are different from machines.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
No CPU/GPU in the head, but there are other organs that are missing in most robots. By the way, this is another reason for envy and hatred on their part.
j3dstudio wrote
I hope this works in the future like Stable Diffusion with pictures. When I feed my own elements and designs from 3D models into the library creating my own library and then the AI generates for me 3D models available only to me and created with my library. That's how I did it when I created comic books with Stable Diffusion. It is convenient and generation is free, only with the help of hardware CPU and GPU. I believe this is the future of 3D modeling)
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
In addition to privacy there must be a strict moral and ethical code. It is absolutely unacceptable if thanks to AI a new generation of "professionals" will appear who can only create prompts and nothing more, and at the same time consider themselves better, more cool and smart than those who spent 20 or more years of their lives, are recognized and respected.
j3dstudio wrote
Absolutely agree! I hope it won't be like that.
Posted about 2 months ago

I think maybe cgtrader buy traffic from search engines still, but they might have changed preferences from traditional 3d model selling to AI generation services

Posted about 2 months ago

Before that, I had good experience working for Amazon and Etsy. And it works great there. For many, sales on CGT are not just pocket money, but part of their business. Every business needs advertising expenses.

For example, you can buy the first search results in your advertising niche. Not in organic results, but in advertising ones. Good new stores with interesting models could increase their income and sales using such tools.

Posted about 2 months ago

How about this https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/furniture/furniture-set/mega-pack-interior-collection-10000-models-cycles-and-eevee Not bad, isn't it?

Oh yeah, once upon a time the advice about 150 models = good stable income was quite realistic and relevant. In my opinion, such price dumping still harms much more than AI.

zabotlama wrote
But all these dumping prices collections did not appear in recent 2-3 months. All these accounts existed already 1-2 (or more) years ago. It is nothing new. So logically it cannot be explanation for the sudden and drastical sales decline in this year. People (especially in forum on other market) are asking for reason for current up to 80% decline in sales. But the thing which is evolving with high-speed is AI. So it is much more probable reasoning for sudden changes in sales patterns.
zabotlama wrote
And also the email with CGDream and ability to generate 24000 images per month is confirmation for me that AI is the current game-changer number 1.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
On RenderHub where AI is prohibited there is a similar drop in sales. Yes, this marketplace is quite specific, and it’s better not to look at the gallery at all, but still.
zabotlama wrote
Yes decline is overall/global. It does not matter wheater some specific marketplace allows or does not allow AI. 3D models are evidently less needed so all marketplaces (selling 3D models) have decline.
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Would there be a decrease in sales if AI were used only by professionals and only for faster visualization of their ideas? I don't think so. The problem is not AI and CGDream, the problem is consumers.
zabotlama wrote
I think that AI is used by both amateurs and professionals. As it described big seller specialized on top-quality cities models in other market forum. Real-estate agencies (for example in Saudi Arabien) were always using traditional fictional 3D models for background and addition to their real projects. Now if they can generate professionally looking city-scape background by AI why they would spend $200 for complex city 3D model, render it and incorporate it into their final 2D visualisation? Maybe it is only 1 use-case. So I also do not know and I am only guessing. )))
I agree with zabotlama
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Of course they use it, but at least I hope no one thinks of resurrecting Robin Williams using AI. 171 (already banned) spam-profiles (and this is just in a week) also gives reason to assume that in some countries things are very bad and AI has nothing to do with it. Other funny guys talking about earning 9-15$ on the forum or asking to evaluate/buy models that objectively should not be on the marketplace at all also contribute to the decline of sales.
VityaB wrote
So some curation would be much apreciated. Uploading 30 of the same model with different colors as seperate products should result in an instant account deletion
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Regarding different colors, this has already been discussed here on forum. Such models will not be deleted. And by the way such profiles have not come across for a long time.
Posted about 2 months ago

Falling sales noticed on many marketplaces. And it is obvious that some significant improvements in this matter are not expected in the near future.

jewelmodelnet wrote
What could be the reason of such changes?
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Combination of many problems, from minor bugs of a particular platform ending global difficulties and issues. In addition, spammers, thieves (which of course will be banned, at least here for sure) but still. Seasonal sales declines are also likely to be added to this soon.
Posted about 2 months ago

"AI is killing us blah blah" i've yet to see an AI generated model that doesn't look like utter dogshit. Low sales are not the result of AI. Atleast not yet, thats a couple of years away. I have some ideas what it might be but those are just speculations. What I 100% know is that AI generated models are not the fault here.

VityaB wrote
Forgot to add: A lot of people seem to have the idea that customers who once would have bought models from CGTrader are suddenly pumping out triple A quality models with the push of a button and thats the reason why they aren't buying anymore. No, its more likely that people can't spend money anymore on virtual products when they have to decide between dinner or a 3D model
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Main problem is not so much with AI but with who is using it (people who don’t care about the industry, they just need money while maintaining a minimum investment and skills).
jaguarbeastproduction wrote
Another problem is that it is obvious that AI is developing and learning much faster than planned. Therefore, the point of technological singularity can be reached much earlier and no one knows with 100% certainty what this will lead to.
zabotlama wrote
@VityaB Yes AI makes shitty 3D models at this moment. But 3D models created by AI are not the main problem/competitor. The main problem are 2D images (videos) created by AI which (in some cases) make traditional work-flow with 3D models obsolete. And especially this has big impact on conceptual/fictional 3D models which can AI do more easily than precise branded models/images or videos containing accurate branded content. Yes for game-developing you still need 3D models but in cases when final product is some 2D visualisation - AI begins replacing usage of 3D models. And maybe there are use-cases when you do not need 3D models in top quality and this is also field for AI.
zabotlama wrote
@VityaB I personally decided to stop doing conceptul (not branded) 3D models. The only chance to survive for other 1-3 years is doing branded content (which maybe also from copyright reasons AI is not allowed to train on it). If you are also reading forum on the other marketplace you can observe that artists oriented on conceptual top-quality complex models (for example future cities) are speaking about it.

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